For Gruppo Farmacie Italiane, we created a new brand identity that enhanced corporate and in-store communication through the Dynamic brand methodology.

The visual language of Gruppo Farmacie Italiane maintains the iconic and symbolic features of the pharmaceutical world reinterpreted with a lighter sign. The contemporary use of colours reinforces the brand’s recognisability in a legally constrained scenary. Farmacie Italiane stands as an authoritative reference point for access to medicines with home delivery and as a reality present throughout the national territory.

The Pharmacy
wherever you are.

Brand identity
Digital design
Editorial design
Exhibit design
Positioning strategy
UX & UI design
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Creative Direction
Emanuele Cappelli
Arianna Cappelli
Emanuele Cappelli, Andrea Fiori
Execution Design
Danila Domizi, Emiliano Gatti
Motion Design
Giulia Martino
Project Management
Massimiliano Napoli