The Dynamic brand methodology was presented for the first time in South America, hosted by four universities. Peru, Ecuador and Chile are the countries that have given us a warm welcome.

Emanuele Cappelli, in addition to holding lectures in the Graphic design, Fashion design and Marketing and Economics departments, held four talks on the Dynamic brand supported by Fabio Zanino who introduced the activities and values of our studio.

A true, profound experience, not only educational and professional but also human; a sense of familiarity and discovery at the same time.
Emanuele Cappelli

Cappelli Identity Design - Universidad del Azuay
Cappelli Identity Design - Universidad del Azuay

Special thanks to all the students, teachers, professionals and entrepreneurs who took part in the events.

Lima, Perù

USIL – Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola e PUCP – Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. In particular Oscar Mas, Rafael Vivanco e Enrique Chiroque.

Cuenca, Ecuador

Universidad del Azuay. In particular Marcelo Calle (Director del Departamento de Relaciones Internacionales), Francisco Salgado Arteaga (Rector de la Universidad del Azuay), Genoveva Malo Toral, (Vicerrectora Académica) e Raffaella Anzaloni (Vicerrectora de Investigaciones).

Santiago, Cile

UDD Universidad del Desarrollo. In particular Alejandra Amenábar Figueroa (Decano Facultad de Diseño) María José Williamson Aspillaga, (Directora de Plan Común y Diseño Gráfico), Fernando Ananía Mendoza (Director de Comunicaciones, Marketing y Extensión), Daniela Reyes Mella (Directora Educación Continua y Desarrollo), Germán Espinoza (Director de MADIS e Integración Digital).

In addition to the presentation of the Dynamic brand methodology supported by the case studies also contained in our volume, we had the opportunity to record a podcast, available on Spotify, in which Emanuele Cappelli, interviewed by Fernando Ananía Mendoza, talks about his vision of design for people.

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