It has been quite interesting to think about how children and young people actually perceive and experience cinema. When designing the Eye Screen magazine for Cinecittà, we used a direct and simple visual language to draw boys and girls closer to the Seventh Art.

The editorial project involves floating elements that come out of the format and, above all, covers by well–known illustrators that show a collection of different reinterpretations of Venusia, Dante Ferretti’s scenic sculpture for Fellini’s Casanova film.

With Everything
You Know.

Editorial design
Motion graphic
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Creative Direction
Emanuele Cappelli
Editorial Design
Emanuele Cappelli, Andrea Fiori
Emanuele Cappelli, Luca Di Gregorio, Alessia Olivari
Cover Illustrations
Sara Caturani, Marco Cinello, Alessia Olivari, Rita Petruccioli, Francesco Poroli, Chiara Rapaccini RAP
Content Creation
Nicole Bianchi, Barbara Goretti
Editorial Direction
Giancarlo Di Gregorio